RWBY Volume 9 Chapter 1: A Place of Particular Concern – Analysis and Review

It’s been a long strange hiatus since Volume 8 wrapped up but at least we know one thing about team RWBY in the words of Pearl Jam: “We’re all still Alive!” So let’s dive into RWBY Volume 9 Chapter 1: “A Place of Particular Concern”. Miscellaneous Analysis and Remarks Two suns? Did Team RWBY just …

RWBY Volume 8 Episode 3: Strings – Analysis and Review

Miscellaneous Analysis and Remarks Weiss gets a little payback on Nora, by pulling her ear, for launching her through the pneumatic tubes. Nora calls this a “once in a lifetime experience” More of Blake’s trademark dry wit after getting out of the pneumatic tube “Good, because I never want to do that again” My reaction …

RWBY Volume 8 Episode 2: Refuge – Analysis and Review

Yang confronts Faunus Racism As Yang, Jaune, Ren, and Oscar are about to escort evacuees from Mantle an older woman asks “Do we really gotta shack up with those animals down in the slums? I’d feel a lot safer being up in Atlas.” Once again racism towards the Faunus rears its ugly head. Yang …

RWBY Volume 8 Episode 1: Divide – Analysis and Review

The scene in the bar: The Differences in What Should Team RWBY and company should do After Ruby, Weiss, and Maria pick up Oscar from the slums, they regroup with the rest of the gang back at their hideout, an abandoned pub. Now just to remind everyone, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Nora, Oscar, Ren, …

The Countdown to RWBY Volume 8: Theories, Questions, Predictions, and What We Already Know

Well, there’s at least one bright spot in this dumpster fire of a year that is 2020. With just a couple of days until the premiere of RWBY Volume 8 on Saturday, November 7 on Rooster Teeth First, fans are eagerly counting down the days and coming up with their own predictions, theories, and questions. …

RWBY Volume 7 Episode 4 – Pomp and Circumstance: Analysis & Review

Click here to watch the episode: As the sun begins setting over the mountains around the abandoned Dust mine, four trucks drive up the road to the mine entrance, and Amity Colosseum floats toward the mine. Two people are lying with binoculars somewhere in the area, one of whom is wearing a pin that …

RWBY Volume 7 Episode 3 – Ace Operatives: Analysis & Review

Click here to watch the episode: A strong wind blows snow across the cloudy sky while three Mantas fly together. Clover is heard speaking to some people that their mission today is to secure the launch site for the Amity Communications Tower. Sometime prior to flying in the Mantas, Clover stands in front of …

RWBY Volume 7 Episode 2 – A New Approach: Analysis & Review

Click here to watch RWBY Volume 7 Episode 2: Ruby Rose gazes out the window of the police airship as it flies over Mantle, then turns and looks at her friends. Nora Valkyrie chews at the bolas restraining her wrists, while everyone else sits silently, Blake and Yang look at each other out of …

RWBY Volume 7 Intro: Breakdown & Analysis

Silhouettes of the Atlas designs of Team RWBY, Team JNPR, and Oscar Pine are shown, resembling the silhouettes from the initial reveal of Team RWBY at the end of the original trailers. The shot pans up a snowy cliff with Team RWBY, still in their Mistral designs, standing on top of it. Ruby has her …

RWBY Volume 7 Episode 1 – The Greatest Kingdom: Analysis & Review

Watch RWBY Volume 7 Episode 1 here: Manta airships patrol the skies around the City of Atlas, keeping in communication with each other over the radio. As Maria Calavera pilots the group’s stolen Manta toward the city, they receive radio contact from Atlas Air Traffic Control “Manta 5-1. Welcome home. Please continue your approach …

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