RWBY Volume 8 Episode 3: Strings – Analysis and Review

Miscellaneous Analysis and Remarks

Weiss gets a little payback on Nora, by pulling her ear, for launching her through the pneumatic tubes. Nora calls this a “once in a lifetime experience”

More of Blake’s trademark dry wit after getting out of the pneumatic tube “Good, because I never want to do that again”

My reaction to Penny saying That they had to go through Central command: WHAAAAAT!? Is she crazy!?! If I was leading this plan that is the last place I want to sneak through in an invisible force field!!! Welp, if Harry Potter can use the Cloak of Invisibility to sneak into the restricted section of the library at Hogwarts, this plan can work. As Jeremy Clarkson used to say on Top Gear:

Penny’s plan is for Ruby to use her speed type semblance on all of them to transport them across Central command by (insert complex scientific explanation from fictional world here where this sentence is). Blake is being sassy and using more of her dry wit towards Ruby about Penny figuring out how Ruby’s semblance works before Ruby could even figure out how her own semblance even works.

I am genuinely surprised that Ironwood is using Watts to accomplish the general’s goals of hacking into Penny…  GREAT SCOTT!! They’re going to hack into Penny and force her to betray her friends!!! Furthermore, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and the others have been noticed by Dr. Watts because Penny used Pietro’s credentials or whatever to get through… Of course…

Perfect distraction that Nora came up with tripping Bill, the Number one dad, I mean number one DUD, causing his coffee to fly through air and land on a computer console, short-circuiting it and also managing to get hot coffee on a worker, burning him. Ouchy!

*Wow Penny was right about Ruby’s semblance and it worked yay and more of Blakes trademark dry wit when she remarks “Another thing I don’t want to do ever again!” You can clearly tell that she means it from the look on her face, the tone of her voice, and the arm motion she used to add further emphasis. Ruby does a cute anime pose after accomplishing this feat 

Blake, Weiss, and Nora’s Conversation about Relationships

Blake wonders if the others are okay. She’s never seen Yang and Ruby fight like they did at the restaurant. She is genuinely concerned about Yang and the argument she had with Ruby. Weiss tells her “Don’t worry, they’re sisters. Sometimes sisters just have very different ideas about what’s right.” Nora agrees with Weiss on this and points out that Jaune’s a great leader, Oscar has grown a lot, and Yang is more than capable of protecting them all in a fight. Blake and Weiss stare at her since she omitted Ren. As she starts talking about Ren, she remarks that she doesn’t know what he is. “Every time I think the two of us are making progress, he… We’ve been together our whole lives, but I feel like I understand him less now than ever, and I don’t know if that’s his fault or mine.” Blake says to her, “When you’ve been at someone’s side for so long, after a while they become a part of you. But that’s just it. They’re only a part of you. Don’t forget about the rest.” Nora then remarks “I don’t actually know who I am without Ren. Pretty sad, huh?” Weiss replies, “Well maybe take this opportunity to find out. Do something only Nora can do.” Relationships are always constantly growing over time and on occasion will have its high points and will certainly encounter some rough patches, just like the argument Ruby and Yang had in the first episode of this volume. People have different beliefs and points of view that influence what they think is right and how they should act to resolve an issue.

Doing the Right Thing

Vine says to Penny and the others “I know you thought you were doing the right thing when you left with the maiden power, but Salem is here now. Things have changed.” Penny replies “If General Ironwood plans to leave Mantle behind, nothing has changed.” Vine says to her “I thought you were supposed to protect the people, not hurt them.” Penny replies that she would never hurt anyone. Elm says to her that Winter is in critical condition because of her. Harriet then says that Penny repaid Winter by stealing the power of the winter maiden, which was supposed to go to Winter. Penny states that “taking the maiden power was the only way to stop-” Harriet interrupts her and says “If you keep refusing to do the right thing, people in Atlas and Mantle are going to die.” Marrow says to Penny, “You could stop all of this, Penny. Just open the vault, hand over the relic, and you’ll save Atlas.” Ruby states that doing so won’t save Atlas. “Salem will find her way to the relic no matter where you go.” There’s a lot to take in here from this dialogue, but it boils down to this: both sides believe that the plan that each side is following is right and the other isn’t. The Ace-ops are trying to guilt trip Penny to comply with General Ironwood’s plan which would screw over Mantle. 

What is Watts’ plan??

Overall Review:

Brilliant episode! Classic elements of heist films like The Italian Job, mixed with some funny and light hearted moments, some very insightful conversations on relationships and doing what’s right, and the action packed fights that the show is known for.

I really like how splitting up team RWBY and JNR+Osacar into new teams allows for more conversions and interactions between characters that don’t interact with each other that often . Blake was great in this episode. The episode was really good, I loved how we got so much packed into 17 mins.

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